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A person is standing inside a vintage-style pink telephone booth, holding a phone receiver to their ear. There is a warm, ambient pink lighting throughout the scene, with neon blue light reflections on the glass. The person is wearing a brown shearling coat and has long hair.
A person is standing inside a vintage-style pink telephone booth, holding a phone receiver to their ear. There is a warm, ambient pink lighting throughout the scene, with neon blue light reflections on the glass. The person is wearing a brown shearling coat and has long hair.

Entre em contato conosco para soluções em televendas, call center e pesquisa de mercado.


Estamos localizados em um ponto estratégico para atender nossos clientes com eficiência e qualidade em televendas e pesquisa de mercado.


Rua Vilela, 376


Seg a Sex 09:00 as 21:00

Sab das 09:00 as 15:00